Assassin's Apprentice. I actually like the Polish version a bit more. I really didn't like Chade in the original cover art (where's the beard? why is he all white?).
Royal Assassin. I cried a little when I saw this one. I really did.
Fool's Errand. This one isn't half bad, actually.
I love these. Japanese publishers always put so much effort into the book covers. I love you, Japan. Lets have babies.
Assassin's Apprentice Part 1 and 2. I like how young and innocent Fitz looks. The cover art for both books has a really serene feel about it.
Royal Assassin Part 1 and 2. I think the second one is Regal.
Assassin's Quest Part 1. OMG look at the Fool!
Assassin's Quest Part 2. Hello Kettricken.
German publishers were kind of lazy. Some of these make no sense at all.
Golden Fool.
Fool's Fate. Wut?
Be warned, these are really weird.
Royal Assassin. OK.
Assassin's Apprentice. I think.
these are just embarrassing
These are Assassin's Apprentice, Royal Assassin, Fool's Errand respectively. That makes no sense to you? Don't worry. I did some research on teh interwebz, and discovered that the cover art was actually drawn for other book. That have nothing to do with Robin Hobb. At all. Yes.
Assassin's Apprentice. This is a rare UK paperback copy. In case you missed it, this is one of John Howe's illustrations of Fitz. The samller version - the headshot - was later used on the UK (I think) cover of AA.
Ship of Destiny. Some random French edition. I just though it was hilarious. In case you can't tell, it's Amber and Paragon at the end of Liveship Traders. Am I the only one who thinks this is a ridiculously funny image?
Assassin's Apprentice. Netherlands. I am dead against photographic imagery on fantasy book covers. It ALWAYS looks tacky. I have never seen a single good fantasy photo-cover. Never.
Crossposted to Fitz and the Fool
The weird UK cover of Fitz is the ARC copy of the book - the one that is send to reviewers etc before the final book is designed and published.
Thanks for the info!
I didn’t think anyone read this blog :)
Aww, google keeps me informed on most of the stuff online that talks about her books so I can keep my fansite updated. ;P
Oh now I'm excited! What's your fansite? - you might want to take a quick look in the wiki area, we have a collection of Robin Hobb covers too :) (although it's still uncomplete).
Oh of course I know The Plenty! I've contributed to a few articles there myself. Great work on the site!
Thanks! :) And thank you for contributing! :)
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